Fill_Regions Purpose
Fill regions with a colour on a plot of data from the UVic Climate
Model. Category
Graphics Calling Sequence
Fill_Regions, map,x,y,ctab $
, NO_EXTEND = no_extend $
, NO_RLE = no_rle $
, LINE_FILL = line_fill Inputs
map: an integer two-dimensional array defining the regions with
different integers.
map[i,j] = 0 --> skip
Abs(map[i,j]) gt 0 --> colour a rectangle centred on x[i],y[j] using
the value in map as the index to an array of colour table values
x: a vector of coordinates corresponding to the x (first) axis of
the array map.
y: a vector of coordinates corresponding to the y (second) axis of
the array map.
ctab: the colours to use when drawing the contents of map. The
contents of ctab give the colour table entry to use for the
regions in map corresponding to the array indicies of ctab.
Keyword Parameters
NO_EXTEND: Setting this keyword prevents extending the regions
one half of a grid cell outward.
NO_RLE: Do not use the run-length encoding scheme. The RLE
scheme reduces the size of most postscript output that
includes a call to this procedure by reducing the number
of instructions in the resulting file.
LINE_FILL: Use a line fill instead of a solid fill. The
orientation of the lines depends on the regions
"value" in map.
Side Effects
The contents of the current graphics device are changed.
Modification History
Written by: Edward C. Wiebe, 1999-02-12.