Purpose (one Line Only)
Collect and maintain seeing information for a group of images
CCD data processing
Calling Sequence
fnlist - List of image files that should appear in the data file
This should not include any directory path information, use
the PATH keyword for that.
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Input Parameters
FWHMGUESS - Initial guess of the FWHM in the image. Default=3. If this
is significantly smaller than the actual seeing you will
get an answer that is much too small. The penalty for
guessing a larger than optimal value appears to be weak.
SKYTHRESH - minimum signal to consider when looking for sources, this
number sets the threshold to be this many sigma above the
mean sky level (default=5)
MAXSIGNAL - maximum signal to conisder when looking for sources
DISPLAY - Flag, if set will show plot and image outputs (this is usually
not a good idea)
OUTFILE - Name of the file for saving the data (default is seeing.dat)
PATH - Directory where the images are to be found. Default is the
current directory.
KEYFILE - header keyword correspondence file (see loadkeys.pro)
Keyword Output Parameters
results - anonymous structure with the data from the seeing.dat file.
tags are:
fn - list of file names (alphabetical order)
jd - Julian date mid-time of the image
fwhm - estimated seeing for each image [pixels]
objrad - Object radius used
nstars - Number of sources used to find fwhm
err - Flag, 1 if there was an error with this entry
nfiles - number of files (length of all these vectors)
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Modification History
2010/09/17 - Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute