Sort a FITS ASCII table according to a specified field
Calling Sequence
FTSORT,h,tab,[field, REVERSE = ] ;Sort original table header and array
FTSORT,h,tab,hnew,tabnew,[field, REVERSE =] ;Create new sorted header
H - FITS header (string array)
TAB - FITS table (byte array) associated with H. If less than 4
parameters are supplied, then H and TAB will be updated to
contain the sorted table
Optional Inputs
FIELD - Field name(s) or number(s) used to sort the entire table.
If FIELD is a vector then the first element is used for the
primary sort, the second element is used for the secondary
sort, and so forth. (A secondary sort only takes effect when
values in the primary sort field are equal.) Character fields
are sorted using the ASCII collating sequence. If omitted,
the user will be prompted for the field name.
Optional Outputs
HNEW,TABNEW - Header and table containing the sorted tables
Sort a FITS ASCII table by the 'DECLINATION' field in descending order
Assume that the table header htab, and array, tab, have already been
read (e.g. with READFITS or FITS_READ):
Optional Input Keyword
REVERSE - If set then the table is sorted in reverse order (maximum
to minimum. If FIELD is a vector, then REVERSE can also be
a vector. For example, REVERSE = [1,0] indicates that the
primary sort should be in descending order, and the secondary
sort should be in ascending order.
Side Effects
A HISTORY record is added to the table header.
Revision History
Written W. Landsman June, 1988
Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997
New FTINFO calling sequence, added REVERSE keyword, allow secondary sorts
W. Landsman May 2000