Returns the header of an open FITS binary table.
This procedure returns the FITS extension header of a FITS
binary table opened for read with the command FXBOPEN.
Use : Result = FXBHEADER(UNIT)
Inputs : UNIT = Logical unit number returned by FXBOPEN routine.
Must be a scalar integer.
Opt. Inputs : None.
Outputs : The result of the function is a string array containing the
header for the FITS binary table that UNIT points to.
Opt. Outputs: None.
Keywords : None.
Common : Uses common block FXBINTABLE--see "fxbintable.pro" for more
Restrictions: None.
Side effects: The string array returned always has as many elements as the
largest header read by FXBOPEN. Any extra elements beyond the
true header are blank or null strings.
The header will be returned whether or not the table is still
open or not.
If UNIT does not point to a binary table, then a string array
of nulls is returned.
If UNIT is an undefined variable, then the null string is
Category : Data Handling, I/O, FITS, Generic.
Prev. Hist. : None.
Written : William Thompson, GSFC, 1 July 1993.
Modified : Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 1 July 1993.
Version : Version 1, 1 July 1993.
Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997