Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 661, Greenbelt, MD 20770 Purpose
Insert NANs in time series gaps to facilitate plotting
Major Topics
Time series
Calling Sequence
GAPNAN, TT, Y1, [Y2,] [Y3,] [Y4,] [Y5], MAXGAP=, GTI=
This procedure is an covenience procedure for plotting time series
which may have gaps. In other words, a time series where there
will be time segments of data, and periods of no data which are
considered "gaps." Sometimes it is desireable to plot the data
with lines connecting the data, but no lines across gaps.
GAPNAN will insert NAN values in time series between gaps.
Because an IDL line plot will not connect points with NAN values
between them, inserting a NAN value is an effective way of
suppressing connecting lines between gaps.
The user can specify gaps in one of two ways, using either the
MAXGAP or the GTI keyword. The user must specify one of these
keywords, but not both.
The user can specify the maximum allowable gap size between time
series samples using the MAXGAP keyword. If the time step between
samples is larger than MAXGAP then a gap is declared. (This
functionality uses the Markwardt library routine GTISEG.)
The GTI keyword explicitly designates "good" time intervals. The
user should pass a 2xn array using the GTI keyword, which indicate
the start/stop time of each good-time. If the time samples cross
between good time intervals (or if a time sample is noth within a
good interval at all), then a gap is declared. (This
functionality uses the Markwardt library routine GTIWHERE.)
The values Y1, Y2, etc. are the dependent variables. Up to five
dependent variables can be adjusted in one call.
TIME - time variable, used to find gaps. Upon return, TIME will
be modified in-place. Whereever gaps occur, a new time
value will be inserted with the value of NAN.
Optional Inputs
Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5 - the optional dependent variable. Must have
the same number of elements as TIME. Wherever NANs were
inserted in the TIME array, NANs will also be inserted at
the corresponding positions of Y1, Y2, etc. Upon return,
these parameters will be modified in-place. The user may
pass up to five dependent variables in one call.
Input Keyword Parameters
MAXGAP - maximum gap size between segments, in the same units as
the TIME variable. The user must specify either MAXGAP
or GTI, but not both.
GTI - a 2xN array, in the same units as the TIME variable,
indicating "good" time intervals. The user must specify
either MAXGAP or GTI, but not both.
;; Sample data with gap between 3 and 10
tt = [1,2,3, 10, 11, 12d]
yy = [1,1,1, 2, 2, 2d ]
gapnan, tt, yy maxgap=5
;; Note that a NaN is inserted between 3 and 10, since the actual gap of
;; 7 is larger than the maximum of 5.
;; Sample data with gap between 3 and 10
tt = [1,2,3, 10, 11, 12d]
yy = [1,1,1, 2, 2, 2d ]
;; Good times from 0.5-2.5 and 10.5-13.0
gti = [[0.5,2.5], [10.5,13]]
gapnan, tt, yy, gti=gti
;; Note that a Nan is inserted between 2 and 3 because the good
;; interval stops at 2.5; a Nan is inserted between 3 and 10, and
;; 10 and 11 because neither 3 nor 10 are within a good interval.
Modification History
Written and documented, 2010-04-27 CM
Added MAXGAP and GTI keywords, 2010-11-13 CM
Square bracket array notation, 2011-12-21 CM
Bug fix for more than one input array (was ignored), 2012-02-20 CM