Purpose (one Line Only)
Decode a single image with an IOTA-VTI time code
Scan image for IOTA-VTI time code information and decode into a
a machine-readable form. This can handle IOTA-VTI output only and
only in either 720x480 or 640x480 pixel formats.
Video data processing
Calling Sequence
image - 3 x N x M byte image to decode
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Input Parameters
DEBUG - Flag, if set will generate copious output and graphics.
odd - String array with the one character decoded from each cell
from the odd field.
even - String array with the one character decoded from each cell
from the even field.
otime - String with the odd field time, HH:MM:SS.ssss, empty if decode
was not successful.
onum - Long integer with the odd field number
etime - String with the even field time, HH:MM:SS.ssss, empty if decode
was not successful.
enum - Long integer with the even field number
Keyword Output Parameters
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Image must be 3x720x480 or 3x640x480. Only plane 0 is read.
Requires access to two files:
digits_640_480.fits and digits_720_480.fits
These files must be somewhere in your IDL_PATH but usual reside in the
same directory as my IDL library.
A hueristic procedure is used to determine the row location of the
time code data. The x location of the cells where characters are
found is hard coded. A row-summed version of the image shows a
characteristic three-peak shape. The middle peak is used as the center
of the digits written to the video. The position is required to be
in a small range near the bottom of the image. The results are not
validated in any way. The return is an array of characters and if nothing
was found, the character is a empty string.
The time codes are read from the even and odd fields of the images as well
as the field counter.
Modification History
2016/03/08, Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute
2016/03/25, MWB, added DEBUG, XOFF, and YOFF keywords
2016/09/01, MWB, added support for 2-d images and improved reliability