Get a list from a file specified by an environmental var.
Calling Sequence
getsysnams, evar, n, lst1, [lst2, lst3]
evar = environ var (symbol in VMS) with file name. in
Keyword Parameters
ERROR=err 0=ok, 1=no such environmental variable,
2=file not found.
n = number of elements in each list. out
lst1, lst2, lst3 = output lists. out
Common Blocks
Notes: the lines in the file are returned divided into as
many output lists as are requested, with the first line
in the first list, second in second, .... File lines
starting with * are considered comments and are ignored.
This routine is useful for system dependent lists, such
as postscript printers or tape drives.
As an example for printers let the file contain:
*---- Example printers file --------
Postscript printer # 1 in room A.
Postscript printer # 2 in room B.
To use:
(1) Set up a systen environmental variable, like
IDL_PSPRINTERS, with the name of the above file.
(2) getsysnams,'idl_psprinters', n, cmds, nams
will give: n = 2, cmds = string array of print
commands, nams = string array of descriptive names
(good for menus).
Modification History
R. Sterner, 22 May, 1990
R. Sterner, 26 Feb, 1991 --- Renamed from
Copyright (C) 1990, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not
sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This
routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties
whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.