Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770 Purpose
Convert Good Time Interval (GTI) to evenly sampled mask array
Calling Sequence
The function GTI2MASK converts an existing valid Good Time
Interval (GTI) array to a mask array. By definition a GTI
indicates an array of intervals which are not on an evenly sampled
array. This routine either accepts a time grid from the user, or
the grid must be described by the TLIMITS and TIMEDEL keywords.
The output mask array describes whether each grid point lies
within a good interval or not. There is full control over the
values of the good and bad values.
This routine is the inverse of MASK2GTI.
It should be noted that this function is not constrained to
operation only on time arrays. It should work on any
one-dimensional quantity with intervals.
GTI - a 2xNINTERVAL array where NINTERVAL is the number of
intervals. GTI(*,i) represent the start and stop times of
interval number i. The intervals must be non-overlapping
and time-ordered (use GTITRIM to achieve this).
A scalar value of zero indicates that the GTI is empty, ie,
there are no good intervals.
TIME - optional time array that specifies the time grid for the
mask array. If TIME is not specified then the user must
give the TLIMITS and TIMEDEL keywords to fully describe the
grid spacing. The TIME array is overwritten if the FILL
keyword is used.
TLIMITS - a 2-element array giving the start and stop limits over
which the mask array is to be generated. The TLIMITS
and TIMEDEL keywords are required if the TIME parameter
is not given.
TIMEDEL - a scalar specifying the interval between grid points.
The TLIMITS and TIMEDEL keywords are required if the
TIME parameter is not given.
NTBINS - upon return, this keyword contains the number of time
samples created.
GOOD - the value of "good" in the output mask array.
Default: 1b
BAD - the value of "bad" in the output mask array.
Default: 0b
INVERT - if set, the array GTI is treated as a "bad" time
interval, ie, the GOOD and BAD values are swapped.
FILL - if set, the array TIME is filled with values determined
from the TLIMITS and TIMEDEL keyword.
A mask array, either sampled at the points specified by TIME, or
by the grid specified by TLIMITS and TIMEDEL. The "good" value
indicates that the point lies within the good interval, while a
"bad" value indicates the point was outside.
See Also
Modification History
Written, CM, 1997-2001
Documented, CM, Apr 2001
Add internal OVERLAP and MINFRACEXP keywords, CM, 03 Feb 2007
Refine and simplify the OVERLAP processing, CM, 14 Feb 2007
Handle case of /OVERLAP when there is no intersection, CM, 22 Aug 2007
Use VALUE_LOCATE for performance (in non-OVERLAP case), CM, 04 May 2008