Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770 Purpose
Merge two Good Time Interval (GTIs) arrays into a single array
Calling Sequence
The function GTIMERGE accepts two existing valid Good Time
Interval (GTI) arrays and merges them into a single array. Either
the intersection or the union of the two GTIs are returned.
The intersection refers to the set of intervals which lie in both
intervals. The union refers to the set of intervals which lie in
at least one but not necessarily both. Here is an example of both
kinds of operations. Let us start with two intervals here:
0 50 100 170 GTI1
30 120 GTI2
These intervals would be represented by GTI1=[[0,50],[100,170]]
and GTI2=[[30,120]]. The intersection of the two sets of intervals
are the points which lie in both, ie [[30,50],[100,120]]:
30 50 100 120 INTERSECT
The union is the combination of both intervals, ie [[0,170]]:
0 170 UNION
It is also possible to treat either one of the input arrays as
"bad" intervals using the INVERT1 and/or INVERT2 keywords. When
an interval is inverted, then the output is composed only of areas
*outside* the specified intervals.
It should be noted that this function is not constrained to
operation only on time arrays. It should work on any
one-dimensional quantity with intervals.
PERFORMANCE: Combining many intervals
Users who wish to combine many intervals in sequence will find a
performance degradation. The problem is that each GTIMERGE
operation is order N^2 execution time where N is the number of
intervals. Thus, if N mostly distinct GTIs are merged, then the
running time will be order N^3. This is unacceptable, but there
is a workaround.
Users can accumulate "sub" GTIs by merging subsets of the full
number of intervals to be merged, and then occasionally merging
into the final output GTI. As an example, here first is a simple
merging of 1000 different GTIs:
totgti = 0L ;; Empty GTI
FOR i = 0, 999 DO BEGIN
gti = ...
totgti = gtimerge(totgti, gti, /union)
This computation may take a long time. Instead the merging can be
broken into chunks.
totgti = 0L
chgti = 0L ;; "Chunk" GTI
FOR i = 0, 999 DO BEGIN
gti = ...
chgti = gtimerge(chgti, gti, /union)
if (n_elements(chgti) GT 100) OR (i EQ 999) then begin
;; Merge "chunk" gti into final one, and reset
totgti = gtimerge(totgti, chgti, /union)
chgti = 0L
Note that the final merge is guaranteed because of the (i EQ 999)
comparison. Inputs
GTI1, GTI2 - the two input GTI arrays.
Each array is a 2xNINTERVAL array where NINTERVAL is the
number of intervals, which can be different for each array.
GTI(*,i) represents the start and stop times of interval
number i. The intervals must be non-overlapping and
time-ordered (use GTITRIM to achieve this).
A scalar value of zero indicates that the GTI is empty, ie,
there are no good intervals.
INTERSECT - if set, then the resulting GTI contains only those
intervals that are in both input sets.
UNION - if set, then the resulting GTI contains those intervals
that are in either input set.
COUNT - upon return, the number of resulting intervals. A value
of zero indicates no good time intervals.
INVERT1 - if set, then GTI1 is considered to be inverted, ie, a
set of "bad" intervals rather than good.
INVERT2 - if set, then GTI2 is considered to be inverted, ie, a
set of "bad" intervals rather than good.
TTOLERANCE - a scalar value indicating the tolerance for
determining whether values are equal. This number
can be important for intervals that do not match
Default: Machine precision
A new GTI array containing the merged intervals. The array is
2xCOUNT where COUNT is the number of resulting intervals.
GTI(*,i) represents the start and stop times of interval number i.
The intervals are non-overlapping and time-ordered.
If COUNT is zero then the returned array is a scalar value of
zero, indicating no good intervals were found.
See Also
Modification History
Written, CM, 1997-2001
Documented, CM, Apr 2001
Handle case of zero-time GTIs, CM, 02 Aug 2001
Handle "fractured" GTIs correctly, though worriedly, CM, 15 Oct
Handle case where both inputs are empty, but /INVERT1 and/or
/INVERT2 are set, CM, 08 Aug 2006