This procedure computes the Helmholz decomposition of a 3D vector
field into its divergence and curl free components.
x: The x component of the vector. A 3D array
y: The y component of the vector. A 3D array
z: The z component of the vector. A 3D array
dx: The x component of the divergence-y (curl-free) term
dy: The y component of the divergence-y (curl-free) term
dz: The z component of the divergence-y (curl-free) term
cx: The x component of the curly (divergence-free) term
cy: The y component of the curly (divergence-free) term
cz: The z component of the curly (divergence-free) term
The input vector is projected into fourier space, and decomposed
into modes parallel and perpendicular to k. These are then
projected back into the original space, and are equal to the curl-
and divergence-free vectors, respectively.
Modification History
2010-07-29: Created by Chris Beaumont