Apply the IDL ROTATE function and update astrometry in a FITS header
Apply the intrinsic IDL ROTATE function to an image and update
astrometry in the associated FITS header.
Calling Sequence
HROTATE, oldim, oldhd, newim, newhd, direction
HROTATE, oldim, oldhd, direction
OLDIM - the original image array
OLDHD - the original FITS image header, string array
DIRECTION - Scalar integer (0-7) specifying rotation direction,
exactly as specified by the IDL ROTATE function.
Direction Transpose? Rot. CCW X1 Y1
0 No None X0 Y0 (no change)
1 No 90 -Y0 X0
2 No 180 -X0 -Y0
3 No 270 Y0 -X0
4 Yes None Y0 X0
5 Yes 90 -X0 Y0
6 Yes 180 -Y0 -X0
7 Yes 270 X0 -Y0
Optional Outputs
NEWIM - the rotated image, with the same dimensions as Oldim
NEWHD - header for newim containing updated astrometry info
If output parameters are not supplied, the program
will modify the input parameters OLDIM and OLDHD
to contain the rotated image and updated header.
Optional Keyword Output
ERRMSG - If this keyword is supplied, then any error mesasges will be
returned to the user in this parameter rather than depending on
on the MESSAGE routine in IDL. If no errors are encountered
then a null string is returned.
Rotate an image exactly 90 degrees counterclockwise and update the
FITS image array and header.
IDL> HROT, im, h, im_new, h_new, 1
The image array is rotated using the ROTATE function.
The CD (or CROTA) and CRPIX parameters, if present in the FITS header,
are updated for the new rotation.
History records are also added to the header
Does not work Guide Star Survey (GSS) astrometry. Use GSSS_STDAST to
first convert
Procedures Used
Modification History
Written, Mar 1997 W. Landsman, Hughes STX
Work for non-square images W. Landsman June 1998 Raytheon STX
Fix for different plate scales, and CROTA2 defined, November 1998
Added ERRMSG, Use double precision formatting, W. Landsman April 2000
Consistent conversion between CROTA and CD matrix W. Landsman Oct 2000
Correct update when CROTA keyword present W. Landsman June 2003
Update CDELT for AIPS-style astrometry headers M. Perrin/WL Jul 2003
Convert GSS astrometry to WCS W. Landsman November 2004
Work even if no astrometry present, just update NAXIS* WL June 2011