These instructions describe how to install the patch for the new licensing engine on machines running ENVI version 5.4.0 - 5.6.3 and/or IDL version 8.6.0 - 8.8.3. The installer will remove the old licensing engine from the machine and replace it with the new licensing engine.

This installer is a patch only; it does not include an uninstall.

The new licensing system requires one of the following:

  • macOS 10.14, 10.15, and 11 or higher (M1 and Intel 64-bit)
  • Linux (Intel/AMD 64-bit, kernel 3.10.0 or higher, glibc 2.17 or higher)

See the following sections:

Install the Licensing Patch

  1. Navigate to the setup-envi-idl_nextgen_license_patchxx-unix.tgz file that was downloaded to your computer and unpack it:

    tar xvf setup-envi-idl_nextgen_license_patchxx-unix.tgz

  2. Navigate to the directory where the installer script was unpacked (setup-envi-idl_nextgen_license_patchxx-unix).

  3. Start the installer with the following command:

    sudo ./

  4. At the End User License Agreement prompt, type y to accept the terms of the agreement.

  5. At the prompt, enter the directory that contains the ENVI and/or IDL installations.

    • If you provide a root location, such as /usr/local/harris/, the installer will look for multiple installation in that directory and patch all of them.
    • If you provide a specific directory, such as /usr/local/harris/envi55, the installer will patch only that installation.
  6. Activate the license, described next.

License Administrator

Activate your license using the ENVI-IDL License Administrator tool. You may be prompted to launch the License Administrator after installation, or you can open the License Administrator tool with one of the following:

  • Windows: From the Start menu, select the ENVI-IDL License Administrator under the shortcut group for your product installation. Administrator privileges are required.
  • Linux: From a terminal window, launch the envi_idl_license_admin command from INSTALL_DIR/idlxx/bin for IDL installations, or INSTALL_DIR/envixx/idlxx/bin for ENVI installations. Sudo or root permissions are required.

    Note: A graphical session is required to run the License Administrator user interface. Some Linux distributions disable this when the sudo command is invoked (i.e., the required DISPLAY environment variable is not set). If this is the case for your Linux distribution, use an alternative to sudo (such as direct root login or su), or the sudo configuration should be updated appropriately.

  • Mac: From a Finder window, double-click the icon located under INSTALL_DIR/idlxx for IDL installations, or INSTALL_DIR/envixx/idlxx for ENVI installations. Administrator privileges are required.

See the following sections for managing licenses:

See also Licensing Utility for instructions to manage licenses using a command-line utility.

Activate a License Online

These steps activate a license on a machine that has Internet access:

  1. Click the Activate Online button.

  2. Type, or paste, the activation code(s) into the field.

  3. Click Activate. When activation is complete, you will see the message Activation succeeded.

  4. Click Close to close the dialog.

Activate a License Offline

The following steps describe how to use the License Administrator activate a license on a machine that does not have Internet access.

  1. Click the Activate Offline button.
  2. Generate a file that contains information about the machine: click the 1. Generate Machine Information File button to generate a file named machine_information.dat.
  3. Click the Open Folder button to open the file folder where the machine_information.dat file was saved.
  4. Attach the file to an email addressed to one of the following, with the subject License Request:

    • (U.S.)

    • (E.U.)

    • Your local sales representative

  5. NV5 Geospatial Solutions, Inc. will email a license.dat file to you.

  6. Copy the license.dat file to the machine, then launch the License Administrator. Note that if you copy the file to INSTALL_DIR\license, you do not need to do steps 6 and 7.
  7. If your license.dat file was saved to a directory other than INSTALL_DIR\license, click the Activate Offline button, then click the 2. Install a License File button.
  8. Navigate to the license.dat file location, then click Open. When activation is complete, you will see the message Successfully imported license file.
  9. Click Close to close the dialog.

You can also generate machine information from the command line using the get bindings command of the Licensing utility.

Connect to a License Server

This version of the product can use floating licenses hosted by the new NV5 Geospatial License Server licensing engine. It will not work with any License Servers supported before this version.

If you were previously connected to a legacy License Server and the new License Server is installed on the same machine, the License Administrator will detect the IP address you were connected to. A dialog will appear and asks if you want to connect to the address on the new License Server. Click Yes.

To use a license that is on a License Server, connect to the server machine as follows:

  1. Click the Use License Server button.
  2. The default port number is 4080. To use a secure port (HTTPS), enable the Secure check box. The port number will change to 40443, the default for a secure port.
  3. Enter the name or IP address of the server. If the License Server is located on the same machine as your product installation, use localhost.
  4. Click the Connect button.
  5. Click Close to close the dialog.

Deactivate a License

If you activated a license on your machine, deactivating the license releases it so that it can be activated on a different machine. To deactivate a license:

  1. Click the Deactivate License button.

  2. Select the activation code(s) you wish to deactivate.

  3. Click Deactivate. When deactivation is complete, you will see the message Successfully deactivated.

  4. Click Close to close the dialog.

Disconnect from a License Server

To disconnect from a License Server:

  1. Click the Use License Server button, then click the Disconnect button.

  2. Confirm in the dialog that you want to disconnect from the Server.

  3. When disconnection is complete, you will see the message Successfully disconnected.

  4. Click Close to close the dialog.

View Licenses

In the License Administrator, you can view details of the licenses you are using. Click View Licenses.

  • If you are using a license that was activated on your machine, the display shows the details for the license(s) that have been issued to you. You can copy the details to the clipboard, or save them to a file.

  • If you are using a license from a License Server, click Show Dashboard.

    Note: If you click Show Dashboard and the message 'HTTP 404 Not Found' is returned, contact your administrator.

  • Note that you can combine a license activated on your machine with this user of a License Server. When combined, the software will first attempt to use a license from your machine, then it will connect to the License Server if your license does not contain the requested feature.

View Events Log

In the License Administrator, you can enable event logging for licenses and view the log. Event logging should only be enabled during troubleshooting, as instructed by Tech Support. Enabling this type of logging for long periods will cause an excessive number of log files being created.

  • To enable event logging for licensing activity, click the View Log button, select the Licensing Events tab, then click the Enable Event Logging button. You can copy the details to the clipboard, or save them to a file.

  • Click Refresh to update the log with the latest activity. Click Reset to clear the log details. Click Disable to stop logging licensing events.

Licensing Utility

Use the licensing command-line utility to do the following from the command line:

To use the Licensing utility, open a terminal window and change to the following directory:

  • Linux:INSTALL_DIR/idlxx/license_utils/bin.linux.x86_64 for IDL installations, or INSTALL_DIR/envixx/idlxx/license_utils/bin.linux.x86_64 for ENVI installations.

  • Mac (Intel hardware):INSTALL_DIR/idlxx/license_utils/bin.darwin.x86_64 for IDL installations, or INSTALL_DIR/envixx/idlxx/license_utils/bin.darwin.x86_64 for ENVI installations.

  • Mac (M-series):INSTALL_DIR/idlxx/license_utils/bin.darwin.arm64 for IDL installations.

Activate a License

To activate a license (requires Internet access):

./licensing activate <activation_code>

where <activation code> is in the format 0000-0000-0000-0000. Submitting the activation code contacts the licensing portal with machine binding information. The portal returns a license, which will then be installed.

  • You can call activate multiple times to add more codes to the existing license, without needing to deactivate.

  • You can also enter multiple activation codes in the command. For example:

    ./licensing activate <activation_code1> <activation_code2>

Deactivate a License

If you activated a license on your machine, deactivating the license releases it so that it can be activated on a different machine. To deactivate a license (requires Internet access):

./licensing deactivate

You can also deactivate a specific license:

./licensing deactivate <activation_code>

where <activation code> is in the format 0000-0000-0000-0000.

Print Binding Keys

To print the machine's key binding to the screen:

./licensing get bindings

Print License Details

To print license details to the screen:

./licensing show license

Other Options with the License Utility

The following options can also be used with the licensing command-line utility:

  • To use a proxy server:

    --proxy_server: The proxy server host name or IP address.

    --proxy_port: The proxy server TCP port.

    --proxy_username: The proxy server username.

    --proxy_password: The proxy server password.

  • The Licensing utility automatically detects the licensing folder in the folder hierarchy, but if the folder is in a different location, override with the following:

    --path: The license file path.

  • The following options are available for logging:

    --log: To specify the name of the log file.

    --loglevel: To specify the level of logging information. The default level is INFO, but for troubleshooting purposes, you may be instructed by NV5 Geospatial Solutions Technical Support to change this setting.

    --verbose: To enable more verbose logging.

  • To specify a file to direct all output to:


    If not specified, output is written to sdtout.


IDL_LICENSE_PATH Environment Variable

Configuring your license information requires changes to the license folder inside your IDL/ENVI installation; however, system administrators prefer to lock down access to all program files and folders. In that case, you can specify the location of your license files by defining the IDL_LICENSE_PATH environment variable and pointing it to a different location of your choice.

On Windows, the License Administrator will automatically set this environment variable to enable multiple installations of our software to share the same license.

Contact Us

If you need assistance, visit our website to find worldwide contact information for technical support.