Purpose (one Line)
Custom text and graphical-dialog tool, specific to template corruption.
Calling Sequence
result = itool\_tpannounce(oitool, text, xcen, ycen)
oitool : Object reference to host instance of the itool GUI.
text : The text to be displayed in the text widget.
xcen : The array of proposed X-locations for the active itool template.
ycen : The array of proposed Y-locations for the active itool template.
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Parameters
FALSELABEL=false : Label for false button. Default='No'
GROUP_LEADER=group_leader : Group leader.
TRUELABEL=true : Label for true button. Default='Yes'
TITLE=title : Title of widget. Default='qannounc'.
XSIZE=ysize : Width, in characters, of the text display.
YSIZE=ysize : Max size, in rows, of text display.
result=0 if false button pressed, otherwise result=1.
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Suspends all event generation. A user response is required.
Call this function from an instance of itool, when a template is about
to be modified with a new set of object locations. The object locations
will be listed, numerically, in a text widget, as well as being displayed
in a separate draw widget. The draw widget will display a copy of the
itool work window, with plots of the template that would be centered over
the new object locations, if the new object locations were to be accepted.
The itool object reference passed as the first argument is used to invoke
itool's method routines (itool::draw and itool::tpdraw). Those method
routines accept keywords that allow them to use an alternate window number
and an alternate template. No new routines are needed to draw into the
stand-alone draw widget launched by this function.
Modification History
2004/05 Written by Doug Loucks, consultant for Lowell Observatory.