Read and parse a Julian Date from a calendar string
The input string must have delimiters between the fields but they only have
to be non-numeric to work. There will always be two delimiters but they
don't even have to be the same.
Calling Sequence
jd = jdparse(str)
str - String (or array) to parse as a date
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Input Parameters
DATETMPL - Date template for reading a date, default is YYYY/MM/DD
The number of characters in the string is not important and
you can use any delimiter you like.
FULLDATE - (default=0). If non-zero, look for up to that many characters
in the string for the name of the month and then convert
to a number prior to parsing. Example: if the input string
is '2014-Apr-13' it will be parsed properly if fulldate=3.
By default the input string would have to be '2014-04-13'.
The case of the characters is arbitrary.
STRICT - Flag, if set forces jd returned to be zero if any syntax
errors are encountered. If not set (default), the return
will contain as much information as was successfully
QUIET - Flag, if set will suppress printing messages when syntax problems
are detected.
return value is scalar or vector value of Julian Dates.
Keyword Output Parameters
ERRFLG - Return to indicate if a syntax error was detected. The rank
and size of this return matches the input string variable.
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Modification History
2000/11/05, Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory
2002/08/11, MWB, added code to handle a date with no time.
2005/05/06, MWB, improved error messages
2005/06/27, MWB, changed to permit T between date and time field,
useful for parsing FITS date strings.
2014/04/13, MWB, added FULLDATE keyword