Select specified lecture notes from a notes file.
Calling Sequence
lecture, notes, slides, lect Inputs
Keyword Parameters
/NOCOMMENTS doesn't pass comments from slides file'
on to lecture file.
/NONUMBERS doesn't pass slide numbers from slides file'
on to lecture file.
/ONELINE uses first note line to make a one line listing.
Common Blocks
notes = name of notes file. in
File format: Slide id lines must start in column 1,
and may contain any number of ids (like Rigel, Beta Ori, ...),
where ids are delimited by commas.
Note lines must be indented and there may be any number of such lines.
Notes continue until next id line. Comments may occur anywhere and
are designated by a * in column 1.
Example notes file:
*----- catagory xxx ------------
id_a_1, [id_a_2, id_a_3, ...]
notes line 1
notes line 2
. . .
id_b_1, [id_b_2, id_b_3, ...]
. . .
slides = name of slides file. in
File format: Each line has slide number, space(s),
slide id. Slide id is the slide name as listed in the notes file.
Slides file may contain comments. Comments have * in column 1 and
are passed directly into the lecture file unless /NOCOMMENTS are used.
Slide numbers are also passed into the lecture file unless /NONUMBERS
is used. Use /one for one line listing for individual slides.
Example slides file:
1 id_a_1, id_a_2, id_a_3
2 id_b_1 /one
. . .
lect = name of resulting lecture file. in
Same format as notes file. Order of notes is that given in the slides file.
Must use /NONUMBERS keyword to get format identical to notes file.
Notes: Missing parameters are prompted for.
Notes file may be re-arranged by creating a slides file with the
desired order. Use the keyword /NONUMBERS to suppress the output of slide numbers.
The resulting lecture file is then the re-arranged notes file.
Modification History
R. Sterner, 4 Feb 1990
Copyright (C) 1990, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not
sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This
routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties
whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.