This procedure plots a legend for line plots.
Calling Sequence
LINE_LEGEND, Position, Label Inputs
Position: A 2-element vector containing the position ([x,y]) in normal
coordinates of the lower left corner of the box containing the legend.
Label: A vector, of type string, containing the labels for each line.
Keyword Parameters
BACKGROUND: The colour index of a background for the legend box. If not
set, no background is drawn.
BORDER_COLOR: An input integer giving the colour index of the border
line. The default is !p.color.
CHARSIZE: The size of the label characters, of type floating point. The
default is the IDL default (!p.charsize).
COLOR: A vector, of type integer, containing the colour index values of
the lines. The default is the IDL default (!p.color).
FONT: An integer specifying the graphics font to use. The default is the
IDL default (!p.font).
LENGTH: The length of the lines in normal coordinates.
LIMIT: An output floating point vector containing the coordinates of the
edges of the legend box. The format is [ left, bottom, right, top ].
LINESTYLE: A vector, of type integer, containing the linestyle index
value for each line. The default is the IDL default (!p.linestyle).
NOBORDER: If set then no border line is drawn around the legend. The
default is for a border box of colour BORDER_COLOR.
PSYM: A vector, of type integer, containing the symbol codes. The
default is the IDL default (!p.psym).
THICK: A vector, of type integer, containing the line thickness value for
each line. The default is the IDL default (!p.thick).
TITLE: A string containing the title of the legend.
This procedure uses the input values to construct an appropriate box
containing the legend for a line plot.
Create a legend for a two-line plot (colours red and green).
line_legend, [0.2,0.2], ['Red','Green'], color=[2,3], title='Legend'
Modification History
Written by: Daithi A. Stone (, 2000-09-18.
Modified: DAS, 2003-02-05 (added FONT and PSYM keywords, converted LINE
keyword to LINESTYLE).
Modified: DAS, 2003-06-25 (added BACKGROUND keyword).
Modified: DAS, 2005-04-12 (fixed output bugs in CHARSIZE, COLOR,
Modified: DAS, 2009-10-01 (fixed so only one symbol plotted per label
instead of two when PSYM given)
Modified: DAS, 2010-02-19 (fixed bug which always set PSYM)
Modified: DAS, 2010-09-16 (added NOBORDER keyword option, LIMIT keyword
output; removed use of; modified documentation format)
Modified: DAS, 2010-09-26 (fixed bug in PSYM keyword implementation;
added BORDER_COLOR keyword)