MAP_INIT Purpose
This function creates a blank image and fits header, based on input
parameters describing the desired image size and orientation.
Keyword Parameters
center: A 2 element array specifying the sky location of the center
pixel. The coordinate system can be specified with
COORDSYS. This keyword is required.
width: The width of the image in DEGREES. A one or two element
vector. If width is not specified, both pixwidth and
pixscale must be.
pixwidth: The width of the image in PIXELS. A one or two element
vector. If pixwidth is not specified, both width and
pixscale must be.
pixscale: The size of an individual pixel in DEGREES. A one or two
element vector. If not specified, both width and pixwidth
must be.
coordsys: An optional string indicating which coordinate system to
use. Options are FK5 and GAL. Default is FK5
type: The data type to use for the image. Default is 'FLOAT'.
extra: Any other keywords will be added to the header with the
appropriate names.
A structure with two fields. is the blank array, and
result.head is the header Modification History
March 2010: Written by Chris Beaumont
December 2010: Fixed a big when checking type of coordsys