MAPGC Purpose
Plot a great route circle on a map.
Calling Sequence
mapgc, lng1, lat2, lng2, lat2 Inputs
lng1 = longitude (degrees) of point p1. in
lat1 = latitude (degrees) of point p1. in
lng2 = longitude (degrees) of point p2. in
lat2 = latitude (degrees) of point p2. in
Keyword Parameters
NUMBER=n Number of points between p1 and p2.
STEPSIZE=d Step size between points from p1 to p2.
UNITS=unt Units of stepsize:
'kms' Default.
'miles' Statute miles.
'nmiles' Nautical miles.
'feet' Feet.
'yards' Yards.
'degrees' Degrees (great circle).
'radians' Radians (great circle).
/NOPLOT do not plot great circle.
XOUT=lng Returned longitudes of points along great circle.
YOUT=lng Returned latitudes of points along great circle.
RANGE=ran Returned Distance between points (UNITS).
AZIMUTH=azi Azimuth of p2 from p1 (deg).
COLOR=clr Plot color (def=!p.color).
THICKNESS=thk Plot thickness (def=!p.thick).
LINESTYLE=sty Plot linestyle (def=!p.linestyle).
PSYM=psym Plot symbol (def=!p.psym).
Common Blocks
Notes: Use only one of NUMBER or STEPSIZE. STEPSIZE
typically also needs UNITS unless they are km.
NUMBER gives specified number of points including ends.
Modification History
R. Sterner, 1996 Mar 4
Copyright (C) 1996, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not
sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This
routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties
whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.