Widget for marking/unmarking bad data.
Mouse click and drag will define a selection of points. Newly selected
points will be marked in green. To mark these as bad, click the 'Bad'
button. To mark these green points as good, click the 'Good' button.
Bad points are plotted in red. The rest of the control buttons should
be self-explanatory.
Calling Sequence
y - Dependent variable.
bad - Flag array, 0 --> good data, 1 --> bad data.
Optional Input Parameters
x - (3, 4 or 5 arg input) Independent variable (if not supplied, ordinal
point number is used instead.
xerr - (5 arg input) Uncertainty on x.
yerr - (4 or 5 arg input) Uncertainty on y.
Keyword Input Parameters
GROUP: The widget ID of the widget that calls MARKDATA. When this
ID is specified, a death of the caller results in the death of
the MARKDATA widget application.
TITLE: A scalar string to be used for the window title. If it is
not specified, the default title is "Data Editor"
XTITLE: X title for plot, default='x'
YTITLE: Y title for plot, default='y'
PTITLE: Title string for plot.
XSIZE: ysize of plot window, default=600
YSIZE: ysize of plot window, default=400
SCALING: 0 -> start with Scale Good (default)
1 -> start with Scale Good (default)
XFLIP: Flag, true means to flip the x-axis
YFLIP: Flag, true means to flip the y-axis
CONNECT: flag, true means to connect data points with lines
bad - modified flag array.
Keyword Output Parameters
Common Blocks
MWB_MARKDATA: COMMON block that holds the new vector for the bad values
during the time it takes to exit the routine.
Side Effects
This function initiates the XMANAGER if it is not already running.
Modification History
96/10/29 - Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory
97/2/5, MWB, added Clear, and All Bad buttons.
2003/05/31, MWB, added Worst button.
2003/06/17, MWB, rewrote internal structure, some GUI changes
2003/06/18, MWB, added x,xerr,y,yerr option
2004/06/13, MWB, added support for UINT, ULONG, LONG64, ULONG64
2007/01/15, Peter L. Collins, Lowell Observatory
allowed case of all points bad to work.