MGH_GUI_SetArray Purpose
This class implements a GUI application for changing a property of
a client application. The property value must be a
one-dimensional, numeric array with a fixed number of elements.
Calling Sequence
MGH_GUI_SetArray supports two modes of operation. In the first,
a client object is specified and the dialogue exchanges information
with the client by calling the client's methods. An example of the
calling sequence is (within a client object's method):
mgh_new, 'MGH_GUI_SetArray', CLIENT=self, CAPTION='Data Range' $
If this mode of operation is employed the object can be blocking/modal
or non-blocking.
In the second mode, there is no client & information is extracted
from the object after the widget is destroyed--this only works if
the object is blocking or modal. Thus
odlg = obj_new('MGH_GUI_SetArray', /BLOCK, CAPTION='Style', $
odlg->GetProperty, STATUS=status, VALUE=value
obj_destroy, odlg
case status of
0: print, 'Cancelled'
1: print, 'Data range is ',value
endcase Properties
The following properties are supported:
The caption that appears to the left of the text entry fields.
The default is the property name in lower case.
CLIENT (Init, Get, Set)
A reference to the object whose property is to be modified.
The client must support GetProperty and SetProperty methods
which accept the property in question as a keyword. It must
also support a Update method.
INTEGER (Init, Get, Set)
Set this property to 1 to ensure that property values are displayed
& processed as integers..
N_ELEMENTS (Init, Get)
The number of elements in the property value array. This is fixed
at initialisation.
The name of the property to be managed by this application..
VALUE (Get, Set)
This application's own copy of the property value. (These values
are copied to & from the client application via the LoadData
and StoreData methods.
This software is provided subject to the following conditions:
1. NIWA makes no representations or warranties regarding the
accuracy of the software, the use to which the software may
be put or the results to be obtained from the use of the
software. Accordingly NIWA accepts no liability for any loss
or damage (whether direct of indirect) incurred by any person
through the use of or reliance on the software.
2. NIWA is to be acknowledged as the original author of the
software where the software is used or presented in any form.
Modification History
Mark Hadfield, Jan 2000:
Written originally as MGHgrDataRangeEditor (which managed a
2-element property called DATA_RANGE) then generalised for n
elements and renamed MGH_GUI_SetArray.
Mark Hadfield, Jun 2001:
Updated for recent changes in MGH_GUI_Base event-handling conventions.