This function retrieves data from a netCDF file (or sequence thereof)
in the form of an IDL structure
Calling Sequence
result = MGH_NCDF_RESTORE(file, variables)
Positional Parameters
file (input, string, scalar or vector)
A list of netCDF file names. This list is passed to the Init
routine for the netCDF file object.
variables (input, string, scalar or vector, optional)
A list of variable names. Default is all variables in the file(s).
Keyword Parameters
AUTOSCALE (input, switch)
Passed to the netCDF object's Retrieve method to determine whether
data are automatically scaled.
COUNT (output, integer)
This keyword returns the number of variables for which data have
been returned.
NETCDF_CLASS (input, string, scalar)
The class of the netCDF file object to be created. Permissible
values are 'MGHncFile', 'MGHncReadFile' and
'MGHncSequence'. The default is 'MGHncSequence'.
POINTER (input, switch)
Passed to the netCDF object's Retrieve method to determine whether
the output structure includes the data values or pointers to them.
Other keywords are passed to the netCDF object's Init method via
inheritance. Return Value
The function returns an anonymous structure, with one tag per
variable. Procedure
An netCDF file object is created, its Retrieve method called and
the object then destroyed.
This software is provided subject to the following conditions:
1. NIWA makes no representations or warranties regarding the
accuracy of the software, the use to which the software may
be put or the results to be obtained from the use of the
software. Accordingly NIWA accepts no liability for any loss
or damage (whether direct of indirect) incurred by any person
through the use of or reliance on the software.
2. NIWA is to be acknowledged as the original author of the
software where the software is used or presented in any form.
Modification History
Mark Hadfield, 14 Mar 1994:
Written as NCDF_RESTORE.
Mark Hadfield, Apr 1997:
Rewritten to use the MGHncFile class.
Mark Hadfield, May 1998:
Extra keywords now passed to MGHncFile.
Mark Hadfield, Nov 2000:
Renamed MGH_NCDF_RESTORE, updated, moved to public directory,
added NETCDF_CLASS keyword & associated functionality.
Mark Hadfield, 2001-07:
Updated for IDL 5.5.
Mark Hadfield, 2005-09:
Added POINTER keyword.