MGH_TIME_GR2 Purpose
Run speed tests for object graphics Category
Testing. Calling Sequence
MGH_TIME_GR2 Keyword Parameters
N_LOOPS (input, integer, scalar)
The number of runs to be averaged together. Default:1
FILENAME (input, string, scalar)
The name of a file to which performance data are to be appended.
RENDERER (input, integer)
The OpenGL renderer: 0=Native OpenGL(the default), 1=Mesa
COLOR_MODEL: Set this keyword to select between RGB (0) or Color
Index (1) modes. Default: 0 (RGB)
RETAIN: Set this keyword to the RETAIN value to be used in the test.
WIN_TYPE: This keyword selects the type of destination device to
use: 0=WIDGET_DRAW, 1=IDLgrWindow, 2=IDLgrBuffer
Default: 0
Timing information for each of the various tests are sent to
stdout or appended to the output file. All times are in secs
and lower numbers are better. Restrictions
To test the speed of a Mesa widget in ColorIndex mode use:
An extra proceedure is provided to excercise all the devices in
every mode: MGH_TIME_GR2_ALL. It takes only the N_LOOPS and FILENAME
keywords and calls MGH_TIME_GR2 with all possible combinations of
the other keywords.
Modification History
Randall Frank, 1997-10-23:
Written as TIME_TEST_GR2.
Mark Hadfield, 2000-08:
Received from Randall Frank.
Mark Hadfield, 2001-02:
Renamed MGH_TIME_GR2. Print more information, including
properties & device info from the window object. No change yet
in number or type of tests.