Interactive program for creating CCD calibration files.
CCD data processing
Calling Sequence
Everything is asked for interactively
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Input Parameters
FILKEY = String - FITS keyword to read to get filter code, default = FILPOS
Note: If you have multiple filter wheels AND you have a set of keywords
in the form KEYn where n is a single digit number and KEY is a
static string pattern (eg., FILT_0, FILT_1, etc.), then give this
keyword as KEY* (ex: FILT_*). When processed, you will get a
string back from the concatenation of all the filter strings,
separated by '+'.
EXPKEY = String - FITS keyword to read to get exposure time, default = EXPTIME
JUSTMEDIAN - Flag, if set will stop processing after the initial median
combination of the image cube and this will be the final
answer. However, this is only honored if the NORMALIZE and
PRESCALE flags are both set. This should only be used if
the intrinsic noise level of the result can never drop
below 1 DN. This flag only affects the flat field
processing step. The default is sigma clipping.
OVERSCAN = column overscan region to use for frame bias level,
CROP = region of original image to save, default=[0,511,0,511]
DDIR = String, name of directory where data exists. If not provided,
the program will ask for it interactively.
RDNOISE - Read noise of CCD, e-/DN, default=10
ROOT = String, root of file name for data, usually YYMMDD (ut date).
Program will ask for this if not provided.
SCALE - 4 element vector which, if provide, defines the region of the
array dimensions that are used to scale the mean
of the arrays before combining (. If combined in this
manner, the arrays are combined weighted by the means.
[x1,x2,y1,y2] (Used for flats only.)
These coordinates apply to the pixel locations AFTER cropping.
All output is confined to files.
Keyword Output Parameters
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Modification History
96/01/07 - Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory
96/05/24 - MWB, added PICKFILE support, various bug fixes, improvements
to the file creation.
96/06/08 - MWB, added DDIR and ROOT
2000/02/06, MWB, added .fits optional tag on file name
2000/03/14, MWB, replaced spawn,copy with new Filecopy routine.
2000/03/24, MWB, substantial changes to make program platform independent.
2003/10/01, MWB, converted my Filecopy call to system file_copy routine
converted my Filemove call to system file_move routine
converted my Mkdir calls to IDL file_mkdir calls
2006/07/14, MWB, added RDNOISE keyword
2006/07/25, MWB, slight mod to support multiple filter wheels, plus changed
2006/07/27, MWB, added JUSTMEDIAN keyword