Reformat a string array into multi-columns.
Calling Sequence
out = multicol(in) Inputs
in = input 1-d string array to reformat. in
Keyword Parameters
LINES=ln how many lines per page (def=50).
This is in addition to a page number and column headers.
COLUMNS=col how many columns per page (def=2).
SPACES=sp array of spaces before each column (def=none).
Reuses last element repeatedly if needed.
HEADER=h column header string array, must be
same width as IN, getting this right may be tricky.
/PAGE means print page number.
TOP=txt Line of text for top of each page.
out = reformated string array. out
2-d array: out(lines, pages), so
out(*,0) is first page.
Common Blocks
Notes: input string array may already have several
columns of text. For example: let A and B be 1-d
arrays, like fltarr(20). Let SA=string(transpose(A)),
and SB=string(transpose(b)). Then S=SA+SB is a one
column string array with A(i) and B(i) in each element.
S may be sent to MULTICOL to reformat to several columns.
Modification History
R. Sterner, 20 Sep, 1991
Copyright (C) 1991, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not
sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This
routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties
whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.