This function returns a structure of astrometry parameters parsed
from a FITS header. It is meant to mimic the IDL Astronomy User's
Library routine 'EXTAST', but is generalized to handing
N-dimensional data files (e.g. spectral data cubes). Note, however,
that EXTAST handles a wider variety of astrometry parameters and,
I'm sure, is much more robust for 2D FITS files
coordinate systems
Calling Sequence
header: A string array containing a fits header (ie, the output
from mrdfits) Outputs
An anonymous structure with the following tags:
.NAXIS- the number of axes in the file
.SZ - An NAXIS element array containing NAXIS1...NAXIS[N]
.CD - An NAXIS x NAXIS array holding the CD/cdelt keywords.
CD[i,j]=CD[I]_J. If the header uses CDELT keywords
instead, they are converted to matrix form (CDELT1 =
.CRPIX - An NAXIS element array containing the CRPIX keywords
.CRVAL - An NAXIS element array containing the CRVAl keywords
.CTYPE - An NAXIS element array containing the CTYPE keywords
Error checking is limited. This was developed and tested for fits
files using cdelt or cdi_j keywords, with no distortion or other
fancy features.
Modification History
Written by: Chris Beaumont, July 27, 2008