The purpose of this routine is to define a standard NSIDC image object.
NSIDC image objects are scaled for display into the range of 0 to 249. Other indices
are allocated as follows:
255: Missing color.
254: Out of bounds low color.
253: Out of bounds high color.
252: Land mask color.
251: Motion vector color
250: Currently unused. Could be used for image overlay colors, etc.
David W. Fanning, Ph.D
National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
NSIDC/CIRES University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309
E-Mail: fanning@nsidc.org Category
theObject = Obj_New("NSIDC_IMAGE")
Class Structure
class = { NSIDC_IMAGE, $
annotatePixmap: Obj_New(), $ ; The window used for annotations.
cb_format: "", $ ; The colorbar format.
cb_type: ; The type of color bar allowed. 0 (default) normal, 1 discrete, 2 none.
colorChangeAllowed: 0B, $ ; A flag that indicates this image's colors can be changed by the user.
colorChangeNColors: 0L, $ ; If colors can be changed, this indicates how many colors can be changed.
contextmenu: Obj_New(), $ ; The context menu for the image selection events.
filename: "", $ ; The filename of the image.
displayName: "" , $ ; The name that should be used on the display.
fn_color: "", $ ; The name of the filename color.
landmask_color: "", $ ; The name of the landmask color.
landmask_value: Ptr_New(), $ ; The value of the landmask in the image.
grid_color: "", $ ; The name of the map grid color.
outline_color: "", $ ; The name of the map outline or fill color.
vector_color: "", $ ; The name of the color for drawing motion vectors on images.
map_fill: 0B, $ ; A flag that indicates a filled map outline should be drawn on the image.
map_outline: 0B, $ ; A flag that indicates a map outline should be drawn on the image.
map_grid: 0B, $ ; A flag that indicates a map grid should be drawn on the image.
no_name_display:0B, $ ; A flag that indicates the filename should NOT be displayed.
no_colorbar_display:0B, $ ; A flag that indicates the colorbar should NOT be displayed.
nsidc_tag: "", $ ; The NSIDC number associated with this image, eg, "nsidc-0032".
oob_low_color: "", $ ; The name of the out-of-bounds low color.
oob_high_color: "", $ ; The name of the out-of-bounds high color.
} Messages
Modification History
Written by: David W. Fanning, 23 June 2008.
Added a DISPLAYNAME keyword and modified the program to use the "display name"
rather than the "filename" in the image DRAW method. I did this to facilitate
the display of HDF variables as images. 8 January 2009. DWF.
Added a vector color field and ability to display motion vector overlays. 15 June 2010. DWF.
Renamed Colorbar procedure to cgColorbar to avoid conflict with IDL 8 Colorbar function.
26 September 2010. DWF.