Generate names or text strings with embedded numbers.
Calling Sequence
name = numname(pat, i, [j, k]) Inputs
pat = pattern of text string. in
i = number to substitute for # in pat. in
j = number to substitute for $ in pat. in
k = number to substitute for % in pat. in
Keyword Parameters
DIGITS=d number of digits to force in name (def=none).
d can be an array giving the number of digits for
each of i, j, and k (else d will apply to all).
name = resulting text string. out
Common Blocks
Notes: Ex1: pat = 'file#.txt', i=7, name='file7.txt'
Ex2: pat = 'A#B$C%D', i=1, j=2, k=3, name='A1B2C3D'
Ex3: pat='A#B', i=5, DIGITS=4, name='A0005B'.
If j and k are not given then $ and % are not changed
in pat if they occur.
Inverse of namenum, see namenum.
Modification History
R. Sterner, 11 Jan, 1990
R. Sterner, 3 Sep, 1992 --- fixed an integer overflow problem
found by George Simon at Sac Peak NSO.
R. Sterner, 2006 Dec 06 --- Revised dig to be an array.
Copyright (C) 1990, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not
sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This
routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties
whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.