>  Docs Center  >  Libraries  >  Mankoff  >  OBJ_TEMPLATE



Class Name



Describe your object class does here. I like to start with the words:
"A <whatever> object ..."
Try to use the active, present tense.


Put a category (or categories) here. For example:


      List classes this class inherits from.


      List classes that inherit from this class, if any.


      Note how an object of this class is created.
      Generally, this is just a reference to the class'
      Init method.


      List the methods intrinsic to this class. There is no
      need to list the inherited methods.

Modification History

  Written by: Your name here, Date.
June, 1997 Any additional mods get described here. Remember to
change the stuff above if you add a new keyword or
  Include a section for each method...


      Describe what the method does. Note whether the method is
      a lifecycle method for the class.

Calling Sequence

Write the calling sequence here. Include only positional parameters
(i.e., NO KEYWORDS). For procedure methods, use the form:
Obj -> [Class_name::]MethodName, Parameter1, Parameter2, Foobar
For functions, use the form:
Result = Obj -> [Class_name::]MethodName(Parameter1, Parameter2, Foobar)
Always use the "Result = " part to begin. This makes it super-obvious
to the user that this routine is a function!
      If the method is a lifecycle method, include the
      Obj = OBJ_NEW('ClassName', Parameter1, Parameter2)
      OBJ_DESTROY, Obj
      syntax along with the method-call syntax.


Parm1: Describe the positional input parameters here. Note again
that positional parameters are shown with Initial Caps.

Optional Inputs

Parm2: Describe optional inputs here. If you don't have any, just
delete this section.

Keyword Parameters

KEY1: Document keyword parameters like this. Note that the keyword
is shown in ALL CAPS!
KEY2: Yet another keyword. Try to use the active, present tense
when describing your keywords. For example, if this keyword
is just a set or unset flag, say something like:
"Set this keyword to use foobar subfloatation. The default
is foobar superfloatation."


Describe any outputs here. For example, "This function returns the
foobar superflimpt version of the input array." This is where you
should also document the return value for functions.

Optional Outputs

Describe optional outputs here. If the routine doesn't have any,
just delete this section.

Common Blocks

BLOCK1: Describe any common blocks here. If there are no COMMON
blocks, just delete this entry. Object methods probably
              won't be using COMMON blocks.

Side Effects

Describe "side effects" here. There aren't any? Well, just delete
this entry.


Describe any "restrictions" here. Delete this section if there are
no important restrictions.


You can describe the foobar superfloatation method being used here.
You might not need this section for your routine.


Please provide a simple example here. An example from the
DIALOG_PICKFILE documentation is shown below. Please try to
include examples that do not rely on variables or data files
that are not defined in the example code. Your example should
execute properly if typed in at the IDL command line with no
other preparation.
      Create a DIALOG_PICKFILE dialog that lets users select only
      files with the extension `pro'. Use the `Select File to Read'
      title and store the name of the selected file in the variable
      file. Enter:
      file = DIALOG_PICKFILE(/READ, FILTER = '*.pro')

Modification History

  Written by: Your name here, Date.
July, 1994 Any additional mods get described here. Remember to
change the stuff above if you add a new keyword or

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