Observing proposal planning table generation
The UT date listed on an output line is the date that goes with the
rise time.
Calling Sequence
objcode - String array of standard object codes (see ephem.pro)
obs - Integer Marsden code of the observatory
688 - Lowell Observatory
500 - Geocentric
If you provide an invalid code, 688 is assumed.
date1 - UT date and time vector near midnight for first night,
date2 - UT date and time vector near midnight for last night,
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Input Parameters
AMLIMIT - limiting airmass that defines observing window (default=3.0)
OBSFILE - Override on file name where observatory codes are to be found.
MELIMIT - Lunar elongation limit (degrees), if the night fails this
test the night is not printed out (except for a single
blank line for the group of affected nights). Default is no
limit. Default=20 degrees. If it is less than this on the night
no line is printed out.
MPLIMIT - Lunar phase limit, if the night fails this
test the night is not printed out (except for a single
blank line for the group of affected nights). Default is no
MINDURAT - Minimum allowed duration (in hours), default=0.
FIXEDPOS - fixed position to compute observability for. If this is
specified then objcode is used only as a label on the
print out. This input is a two-element vector that can
either be the RA,Dec as a string or already converted to
double precision radians. The default is to use objcode
and generate an ephemeris.
Keyword Output Parameters
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Modification History
Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory, 1997/02/18
2001/03/16, David Tucker, changed rdobscod call and file default
2001/05/01, MWB, fixed objcode bug.
2002/02/14, MWB, minor formatting changes of output.
2002/03/27, MWB, fixed AMLIMIT bug.
2002/11/04, MWB, added support for string obscode values
2009/11/10, MWB, fixed minor formatting problem.
2012/01/28, MWB, added MELIMIT,MPLIMIT,MINDURAT, and FIXEDPOS keywords
2016/07/20, MWB, hardcoded change to use astronomical twilight for windows