Purpose (one Line)
Extract and optionally plot differential on-chip photometry.
This program will read an altlog photometry file as generated by
basphote and extract one object from the file, compute differential
photometry for the program object (Serial #0000) against the field
Calling Sequence
logname - Name of the altlog format photometry file to read.
objname - String with the exact name of the object to extract.
filter - String containing the filter code to extract.
object - Serial number of the object to extract.
primary - Serial number of the on-chip reference star to use as
the primary reference.
others - Serial number(s) of the other on-chip stars to use as a
check of the primary reference. Scalar or vector.
If set to -1, no secondary references are used.
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Parameters
BARS - Flag, if true, extend major ticks across plot (default=false)
MAGPRI - Magnitude of primary reference star (default=0).
NOPLOT - When set will inhibit generating a plot to the current
plot device. (same as /NOPOS and /NOPHOT together).
NOPOS - No plot of the positions.
NOPHOT - No plot of the photometry.
COLORS - Colors to use for the plot.
colors(0) = axis, program object, (primary standard)
default = !d.n_colors-1
colors(1) = primary standard, default = 1
colors(2) = secondary standard 1, default = 2
colors(3) = secondary standard 2, default = 2
and so on. COLORS should have as many elements as
needed for the object, primary standard, and all
secondary standards.
NOERRBAR - Flag, if set suppresses error bars on star check mag plot
SHOWALL - Flag, if set, prints out all the relevant mangitudes to
allow seeing which mags are being used.
TIMEUNIT - Select time units to plot on x-axis,
0 - UT hours (default)
1 - JD (decimal days)
UPPERCASE - Flag, if true, forces object names and filter names to upper case.
jd - Julian date of observation.
time - UT of observation, decimal hours. (or JD, depending on TIMEUNIT)
mag - reduced magnitude of program object.
err - Uncertainty of the magnitude.
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Modification History
2/4/93, Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory.
6/29/93, MWB, added filter argument.
96 Mar, MWB, added MAGPRI keyword
96/06/15, MWB, improved the plotting output for the photometry plot.
96/08/24, MWB, added TIMEUNIT and BARS keywords
96/10/31, MWB, added "bad" flag support from rdphalt
97/09/20, MWB, added UPPERCASE flag.