Optimal extraction of a point source spectrum from OSIRIS XD data.
This program is custom built to extract spectra from OSIRIS XD data.
The spectral images contain usually 3 or 4 cross-dispersed orders.
Because of the high and variable sky background signal, all images are
reduced as image pairs to permit excluding most sky signal at the
very first step.
As the program progresses, numerous plot and display windows are opened.
Window 0: Image window that contain 4 rows of strip images. The strip
images come from extracting the relevant portions of the
original image such that the object spectrum will be
parallel to a row in the resampled image. All pixels outside
the slit are discarded. The 4 rows contain:
0 (top) - Original image, scaled from image min to max.
1 - Original image, scaled from +/- 3 sigma about the
robust mean of the image.
2 - Image after final sky subtraction scaled on same
range and row #1. This strip should have no
remnant sky structure if everything works.
3 (bottom) - Image from row #2 after subtracting out the
postive spectrum. Ideally, you should not
see a remnant of the positive spectral image.
Window 1: Trivial sum over the positive image aperture.
Window 2: Average column profile computed by summing all columns. This
summation is robust against bad pixels, no data, etc.
Superimposed on the profile are (1) the +/- threshold
that is used to locate the positive and negative image.
The lines are drawn at +/- 3 sigma from the background (fit
by a linear fuction). (2) red diamonds show those pixels
identified as pure sky. (3) orange '*' show the positive
image pixels. (4) brownish-green '*' show the negative image
Window 5,6,7,8: Plot of the residuals of pixel location of spectrum vs.
column. Each order is plotted in a different window.
Window 10: Plot of the optimally extracted spectrum. It's most useful
to compare this against the plot in window 1.
Window 11: Ratio of the optimal spectrum to the summation spectrum.
Window 12: Plot of spectrum location in all orders in the original
image coordinates. White points are those considered good
during the process of tracing the centerlines. Red points
are those flagged as bad because the position was outside
the positive aperture. The brownish-green points
are those flagged as bad because the FWHM at that column
was abberant.
Window 13: Plot of the true image profiles in each order. If not FINAL
this shows the actual profile with the gaussian approximation
overlain. When FINAL is set, you will also see an overlay
of the actual numerical image profile that was generated.
Calling Sequence
calib- Anonymous structure containing all pertinent calibration
information. This structure is usually loaded beforehand using
the routine, "ldcalir"
root - string containing the root of the file name (with leading path
if desired). DO NOT include the . between the root and suffix.
i1 - Frame id (integer) of first image.
i2 - Frame id (integer) of second image.
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Input Parameters
FINAL - Flag, if set, indicates that this is a final pass extraction.
If it is not "final" then the optimal extractor uses a
gaussian profile fitted to the data. This option is most
often used when the bad pixel mask does not yet exist.
When FINAL is set, a full numerical profile is generated and
used for the optimal extraction. In this case, the gaussian
profile is used to help with locating the centerline but not
for the spectral extraction.
FINDBAD - Flag, if set causes program to look for bad pixels in the sky
region. Upon completion, a strip array is written to disk with
the file name, mask.NNN, where the bad pixels have been set to 1.
GAUSSCOR- Correction factor from the directly computed image FWHM (per order)
to the final optimal weighting profile. (Default = 1.3, this
number is only approximately correct but seems to be pretty
close. A number smaller than this will often lead to spurious
periodic noise, often quite a lot of noise. A number that is
too large will add a small amount of extra noise. Ideally this
should be set for each and every spectrum but this has not yet
proved tractable.)
NONEG - Flag, if true will inhibit all treatment of the negative image.
This should only be used if you know that there is no negative
spectral image and will preserve the maximum amount of sky in
the process.
RAW - Flag, if true will inhibit the column-wise background subtraction.
The default is to fit the background in each column (along the
slit) and subtract the fitted background. Use a linear function
for the background.
MASK - Strip image mask. Good pixels are 1, bad pixels are 0. Bad pixels
are passed over during the profile weighting summation.
SAVE - Flag, if true, final spectrum will be saved to a file. The output
file name is root+'s'+suffix. Thus 950911.003 would be saved to
the file 950911s.003. Also, a file with the average spatial
profile is saved to root+'p'+suffix.
OUTPATH - The path to the location where data is to be saved, default is
the current directory.
PATH - optional string that points to the directory containing the data.
This information is not used if the root already begins with '/'.
If root is not an absolute pathname, then PATH is prepended to
root for READ operations. This path is not used for saving.
This allows reading from one directory (possible a read only area)
and then saving to the current directory.
PLOTS - Which plots to show.
0 - Show them all (default).
1 - Don't show any plots or images.
2 - Just show windows 0, 2, and 13 (strip image, average column
profile, actual profile of each order).
CLEAN - Flag, if set, calls clnspec to allow removing bad points before
saving spectrum (this is actually obsolete but left in for now).
spec - 1-D spectrum extracted from spectral image.
all - i1-i2 after XD spectra extracted to strip image. (see getpair)
Keyword Output Parameters
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Specifically written for OSIRIS cross-dispersed spectral data. MASK
does not work particularly well.
Modification History
97/03, Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory, cloned from getspec
97/08/07, MWB, massive reworking and debugging.
97/12/10, MWB, finalize new version, added OUTPATH keyword
98/06/09, MWB, added GAUSSCOR keyword. Also numerous additions for
improved bad pixel flagging.
98/08/11, MWB, removed obsolete keywords and updated the documentation.
98/08/25, MWB, added PLOTS=2 option. Added NONEG flag.