Purpose (one Line Only)
Photometry from photographic image data.
Uses marginal distributions and a pair of 1-D gaussian fits in each
axis to determine flux and position from an image that derives from
a photographic medium.
This routine does NOT do any local peak finding. It makes its based
entirely on the input location.
Calling Sequence
photphot,img,x0,y0,dw, $
xcen,ycen,xfwhm,yfwhm,xflux,yflux,xback,yback, $
img 2-d image array. Assumed to have 1 star only.
x0 vector of starting source x positions
y0 vector of starting source y positions
dw scalar or vector of box size for fit.
Keyword Input Parameters
SKY - Scalar or vector, if provided is used for the sky background and no
fit on sky is performed.
DEBUG - Flag, if set will generate debug plots and printouts. This is
not designed to be used when you are providing vector input.
Implies verbose as well.
SILENT - Flag, if set will suppress all non-error output.
VERBOSE - Flag, if set will generate chatty out (but not nearly as much
as if the debug flag is set).
xcen - fitted x position of source
ycen - fitted y position of source
xfwhm - fitted FWHM of source in x direction.
yfwhm - fitted FWHM of source in y direction.
xflux - fitted flux of source in x direction.
yflux - fitted flux of source in y direction.
xback - fitted image background in x direction.
yback - fitted image background in y direction.
xcenerr - uncertainty on fitted x position of source
ycenerr - uncertainty on fitted y position of source
xfluxerr - uncertainty on fitted flux of source in x direction.
yfluxerr - uncertainty on fitted flux of source in y direction.
Keyword Output Parameters
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Modification History
2007 Oct 15, Written by Peter L. Collins, Lowell Observatory
Based on Fortran code kindly supplied by Larry Wasserman.
2007/10/16, add SKY keyword and input vectors of source positions.
2007/10/21, MWB, converted to use IDL builtin, gaussfit
2007/10/29, MWB, integrated into library
2013/12/23, MWB, fixed numerous issues with input variables getting changed,
the most common problem was promoting scalars to 1-element