Promote version of a photometry log file to highest version.
File I/o
Calling Sequence
photfile - File with photometry data.
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Input Parameters
NEEDBADFLG - Flag, if set, requires that the bad flag be present in
the photometry file. Ordinarily, a default value of 0
or other value is adopted via a user prompt if the flag
is not already there. Note that this ONLY applies when
promoting 0.0.
DEFBADFLAG - Default to set the bad flag in the photometry file if it is
not present. It pre-empts the prompting of the user for
the value, and operates silently. This keyword ignored if
NEEDBADFLG is set. Note that this ONLY applies when
promoting 0.0.
The photfile is updated to the most recent version. Not changed if already
current, or an error is encountered in processing. Prior to overwriting
the original, a backup copy of the original photfile is made, named
photfile + '.bak' so something.log becomes something.log.bak
The following formats are supported:
v0.0 The base format with no version line (aka anonymous)
The version generated by BASPHOTE when /altlog is not specified.
v1.0 Version line at the start: PHOTFILE v1.0
adds sky signal and sky error fields right after maxcnt
v1.1 Version line at the start: PHOTFILE v1.1
adds read noise field right after the gain
The version now generated by BASPHOTE when /altlog is specified.
Keyword Output Parameters
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Modification History
2000/06/02, Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory
2002/09/03, MWB, changed Str_sep call to strsplit
2006/04/28, Peter L. Collins, Lowell Observatory
created PHOTFILE v1.1 for carrying read noise,
which is effectively defaulted as 0.00.
2006/5/23, PLC, added a registration test to prevent invalid
promotion of faux 0.0 files
2006/5/26, PLC, allow 0.0 to be promoted without a bad flag
an option that is suppressed by /NEEDBADFLG
and a default supplied by DEFBADFLG (or 0).
2006/7/14, PLC, add creation of .bak copy of the original.