Interactive program to select best image from cube for SL9 data.
This is a special purpose routine built for selecting one image from a
set of nearly identical images. The SL9 data was taken as image cubes
~5 images in rapid succesion in the same filter. This program will
display all images raw and after unsharp masking. Click on the best
(either version) to save it (after processing) to disk.
CCD data processing
Calling Sequence
PATH=path, OUTPATH=outpath, BIAS=bias, DARK=dark, FLAT=flat, FORCE=force
root - string containing the root of the data file names (no period)
imnum - vector contining a list of image numbers to process.
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Input Parameters
PATH - Directory where data files reside (default = ./)
OUTPATH - Directory where output files will be written (default = ./)
BIAS - Bias frame to subtract (default=none)
DARK - Dark frame to subtract (default=none)
FLAT - Flat field to divide into data (default=1)
FORCE - set to sub-frame that should be selected (default=interactive)
DELTAT - Readout time of each frame used to correct time for chosen image
from the time of the first frame. (in seconds), the default
(for no good reason) is 1 second.
Output is a FITS file with the chosen image (after processing)
Keyword Output Parameters
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Modification History
95/06 - Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory
96/06/22, MWB, added OUTPATH and FLAT keywords
96/06/27, MWB, added DELTAT
96/07/03, MWB, added calib mis-match support