PIE Name
PIE.pro Purpose
This procedure plots a pie chart. Category
Calling Sequence
PIE, Data
Data: The data vector to be plotted in the pie chart.
Keyword Parameters
BORDERCOLOR: The color of the circumference line of the pie chart.
The default is the background color.
BORDERTHICK: The thickness of the circumference line of the pie chart.
COLORS: A vector containing the color table for the pie slices.
DATA: If set, the plot is done in data coordinates. The default is
normal coordinates.
DEVICE: If set, the plot is done in device coordinates. The default
is normal coordinates.
NORMAL: If set, the plot is done in normal coordinates. This is the
NPOINTS: The total number of points to be used for defining all of
the arcs, measured around the circumference.
[X,Y]POS: The [X,Y] coordinates of the centre of the pie chart.
RADIUS: The radius of the pie chart. Uses
circle.pro Procedure
This procedure divides and plots a disk into segments depending on the
relative sizes of inputed values. Example
Make a pie chart of the values 2, 3, 4, and 5.
pie, [2,3,4,5]
Modification History
Written by: Edward C. Wiebe, 1998-02-05.
Modified: Daithi A. Stone (stoned@atm.ox.ac.uk), 2002-04-12
(re-wrote, added documentation)
Modified: DAS, 2005-08-05 (replaced SUM.PRO use with TOTAL;
removed CONSTANTS.PRO use)