This procedure creates plots of vector fields. It is a wrapper
procedure for PLOT and OPLOT, and accepts all of their keywords
display utilities
Calling Sequence
plotvec, x,y , xvec, yvec, [linecolor = linecolor, _extra = extra,/over]
x: The x coordinate of each vector tail
y: The y coordinate of each vector tail
xvec: The x component of the vector length
yvec: The y component of the vector length
Keyword Parameters
linecolor: The what color to paint the vectors. Used analagously to
the COLOR keyword in plot.
In addition, any extra kewyords are passed to plot
OVER: overplot on a pre-existing graphics window
veclinestyle: The LINESTYLE keyword value to use when drawing the
vector lines.
linethick: The line thickness to use when drawing the vectors.
_extra: Extra plot keywords to pass through to PLOT.
Modification History
April 2009: Written by Chris Beaumont