Compute the potential temperature of a parcel of seawater at a
reference pressure using the Bryden 1973 polynomial for
adiabatic lapse rate and Runge=Kutta 4th order integration algorithm.
Calling Sequence
theta = Potem(t, s, p, pr) Inputs
p pressure dBars (m)
t temperature deg C
s salinity PSU
pr reference pressure dBars (m)
theta potential temp deg C Example
See table of reference (check) values below.
THETA = POT_T(S,T,P,PR) computes potential temperature at pr using
Bryden 1973 polynomial for adiabatic lapse rate
and Runge=Kutta 4 th order integration algorithm.
Ref: Bryden,H.1973, DeepSea Research,20etc.
p pressure dBars (m)
t temperature deg C
s salinity PSU
pr reference pressure dBars (m)
theta potential temp deg C
check values: s (psu) t (deg C) p (dB) pr (dB) theta (deg C)
34.75 1.0 4500 0 0.640
34.75 1.0 4500 4000 0.944
34.95 2.5 3500 0 2.207
34.95 2.5 3500 4000 2.558
Modification History
Written by: Edward C. Wiebe, 1999-03-31. (Converted to an
IDL function from a Matlab function)