POTEN Purpose
This function calculates the potential energy of a collection of
point masses. It is a wrapper to poten_slow and poten_tree, and
attempts to call the most efficient program.
pos: A [3, n] array of 3D positions
mass: An n-element vector of masses Outputs
The gavitational potential energy, given by
PE = sum_i (sum j > i (m_i * m_j / r_ij) )
The poten_tree program scales as N log N, but has more overhead
than the N^2 poten_slow algorithm. Tests on a uniform grid of
particles suggest that the algorithms run in similar times for
~10^4 particles. For larger systems, poten_tree is faster. This
algorithm calls poten_tree, with a theta of 1.5, when nobj > 10^3
Modification History
July 2010: Written by Chris Beaumont