Precess the CD (coordinate description) matrix from a FITS header
The CD matrix is precessed from EPOCH1 to EPOCH2. Called by HPRECESS
Calling Sequence
PRECESS_CD, cd, epoch1, epoch2, crval_old, crval_new, [/FK4]
CD - 2 x 2 CD (coordinate description) matrix in any units
(degrees or radians). CD will altered on output to contain
precessed values in the same units. On output CD will always
be double precision no matter how input.
EPOCH1 - Original equinox of coordinates, scalar (e.g. 1950.0).
EPOCH2 - Equinox of precessed coordinates, scalar (e.g. 2000.0)
CRVAL_OLD - 2 element vector containing RA and DEC in DEGREES
of the reference pixel in the original equinox
CRVAL_NEW - 2 elements vector giving CRVAL in the new equinox
Input Keyword
/FK4 - If this keyword is set, then the precession constants are taken
in the FK4 reference frame. The default is the FK5 frame.
PRECESS_CD should not be used more than 2.5 centuries from the
year 1900.
Adapted from the STSDAS program FMATPREC. Precession changes the
location of the north pole, and thus changes the rotation of
an image from north up. This is reflected in the precession of the
CD matrix. This is usually a very small change.
Procedure Calls
Revision History
Written, Wayne Landsman, ST Systems February 1988
Fixed sign error in computation of SINRA March 1992
Added /FK4 keyword Feb 1994
Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997
Use B/Jprecess for conversion between 1950 and 2000 W.L. Aug 2009