Projects a given vector onto the vector space defined by the
principal compents, and returns the result
data: A vector to project
Keyword Parameters
nterm: Set to an integer to project onto only the first nterm
principal components.
coeffs: Set to a variable to hold the coefficients of the linear
combination of principal components. In other words, result
= sum( coeff[i] * PC_i )
The projection of the input onto the principal components. This is
equivalent to sum(coeff[i] * PC_i) where coeff[i] = sum(data *
PC_i) Modification History
March 2010: Written by Chris Beaumont
April 2010: Fixed a bug that crashed this function when called with
only one data point. cnb
April 2010: Number of returned coeffs matches nterm. cnb.
August 2010: Truncated intermediate arrays when nterm <
ndim. Speeds up execution. cnb.
August 10 2010: Further optimization when nterm < ndim. cnb.
August 18 2010: Fixed spelling error in definition of get_mean. cnb.