Purpose (one Line)
Scrollable text display widget with true and false response buttons.
Calling Sequence
result = qannounc(text [,keywords])
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Parameters
FALSELABEL=false : Label for false button. Default='No'
: If set to a null string (''), the false
: button is not displayed and qannounc returns
: only 1.
GROUP_LEADER=group_leader : Group leader. If present, qannounc runs as a
modal application. Otherwise, it runs as
a non-modal application.
TRUELABEL=true : Label for true button. Default='Yes' unless
: is a null string, where the default for
: TRUELABEL then becomes 'Dismiss'
TITLE=title : Title of widget. Default='qannounc'.
XSIZE=ysize : Width, in characters, of the text display.
YSIZE=ysize : Max size, in rows, of text display.
result=0 if false button pressed, otherwise result=1.
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Suspends all event generation. A user response is required.
Modification History
Written by Doug Loucks, Lowell Observatory, January, 1993. Similar
to IDL User Library procedure XANNOUNCE.
3/93, DWL:
Moved False button to the upper left, making it the first button. This
was done to prevent the true button from being 'pressed' as a result of
the space bar event generation problem.
Set the false button to have input focus.
7/22/94, DWL, Added code similar to that for compound widget event
processing, thus eliminating the need for a common block.
2004/04/09, DWL. Major overhaul, to standards of recent releases
of IDL. The overhaul is transparent and does not affect IDL applications
using this tool.
A new feature was added, allowing for a single button to
be displayed, such as "Dismiss."
2006/08/24, Peter L. Collins, Lowell Observatory, 2 more lines to header
describing the single button feature( see FALSELABEL) and
corresponding special 'Dismiss' default for TRUELABEL.
IN OTHER WORDS qannounc(FALSELABEL='') puts up a single
'Dismiss' button.