Purpose (one Line Only)
Convert a string into one safe for including in a mySQL query
Similar to the mysql function quote. Leading and trailing blanks
are removed. Leading and trailing quotes are preserved but are considered
to be delimiters for the string provided there is a leading and a trailing
quote. If there is just one it is considered to be interior to the string.
An interior single quote is converted to \' and a backslash is converted
to \\. Embedded newlines (string(10B)) are quoted with '\n' where n is
the letter n.
On output, the string will have leading and trailing quotes added
if they weren't already there. However, if the string is a scalar
and it is 'NULL' (4 characters) after stripping blanks
it is returned as is without quotes.
The input can either be a single string or a string array. If an array,
the strings are joined with a quoted newline separator. For example,
s = quote(['this text output','more of the output']) produces
" 'this text output\nmore of the output' " as a scalar string. This
feature exists to support comment fields of type TEXT or BLOB.
In multiline cases (input is a string array or contains 10B newline
characters) empty or all whitespace lines at the begining or end
of the total string will be trimmed. A single such line comes back as
a ''.
Calling Sequence
result = quote(string)
string - String to be processed- if a string array, the strings are
joined with a newline quoted after each string including the
last. Embedded newline characters (10B) are also quoted in
this way.
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Input Parameters
LITERAL- Flag, if set, some of the processing of quote is not done,
specifically removal of trailing/leading blanks, special
treatment for the string 'NULL', and removal of leading and
null/whitepace lines in the multiline cases. The processing
of single quotes and backslashes in the input string is the same.
return value is a string that is ready for mySQL
Keyword Output Parameters
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Newlines are currently quoted with two characters: '\n' where the
n is a literal lower case n. It is inadvisable to try to use an
actual '\n' within the string to be quoted, although it will work
currently if the string is a scalar and contains no embedded 10B characters.
Modification History
Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory, 2003/08/12
2006/10/27, Peter L. Collins, Lowell Observatory
add support for string array input (with newlines)
2006/11/28, PLC, allow literal (string(10B)) newlines in str.
2006/12/11, PLC, disconnect LITERAL flag from rank of str and
(except if LITERAL) trim leading and trailing
null or all whitespace lines in the multiline cases.
2016/10/24, MWB, added support for quoting a semi-colon