RANSAC is an abbreviation for "RANdom SAmple Consensus". It is an
iterative method to estimate parameters of a mathematical model
from a set of observed data which contains outliers. It is a
non-deterministic algorithm in the sense that it produces a
reasonable result only with a certain probability, with this
probability increasing as more iterations are allowed. The
algorithm was first published by Fischler and Bolles in 1981.
A basic assumption is that the data consists of "inliers", i.e.,
data whose distribution can be explained by some set of model
parameters, and "outliers" which are data that do not fit the
model. In addition to this, the data can be subject to noise.
The outliers can come, e.g., from extreme values of the noise
or from erroneous measurements or incorrect hypotheses about the
interpretation of data. RANSAC also assumes that, given a
(usually small) set of inliers, there exists a procedure which
can estimate the parameters of a model that optimally
explains or fits this data (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RANSAC).
Calling Sequence
Result = $
RANSAC( data, $
fittingFunction, $
distanceFunction, $
minimumSamples, $
distanceThreshold )
Data set for which you are trying to determine a
model. The data set is an array for which the
number of columns corresponds to the number of
dimensions in the data and the number of rows
represents the number of observations [d,npts].
A string representing the name of the fitting
function to be used for the data. The calling
sequence parameters must be ( data, status ) where
a status of 1 represents a successful fit and a
status of 0 indicates that some error occurred.
A string representing the name of the distance
function that determines the inlier points in the
data set (data) that fall within a specified
threshold distance (distanceThreshold) of the
model defined by the fit parameters (modelParameters).
This function returns the row indices of the
provided data array that are inliers for the model.
The minimum number of points that are required to
fit the desired model.
The maximum distance a data point may be located
from the determined model to still be considered
an inlier.
Keyword Parameters
The maximum number of iteratons (default=1000).
The maximum number of attempts that will be made
to fit a non-degenrate model for a particular set
of randomly selected points (default=100).
The desired probability of choosing at least one
sample free from outliers (default=0.99)
An optionally returned array containing the row indices
corresponding to the rows of the provided data set
that represent the best set of inliers chosen from the
data set.
If set, this routine will return diagnostic information.
If set, this routine will return diagnostic information
to the provided widget element ID using the SET_VALUE
parameter and the WIDGET_CONTROL procedure.
Return Value
Result is an array containing the parameters of the best fit model
determined during the RANSAC process.
Side Effects
Fischler, Martin A. and Robert C. Bolles, Random sample consensus:
A paradigm for model fitting with aplications to image analysis
and automated cartography, Transactions of ACM - Graphics and
Image Processing, Volume 24, Number 6, June 1981, pp. 381-395.
Modification History
Written by: Carl Salvaggio
September, 2008 Original code
October, 2008 Modified to work with GUI by adding WIDGET parameter
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