Purpose (one Line Only)
Read in a source list file created by findsrc or srcast
CCD Data Processing
Calling Sequence
fn - Name of file to read (with path if needed)
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Input Parameters
sinfo - Anonymous structure with everything from the file.
The tags in the structure depend on which type of file is
being read (src or srd). The srd structure is a superset of src.
The scalar tags provided for src files are:
object, airmass, xsize, ysize, sigthresh, gap, objrad, sigwsize,
gain, binfac, exptime, maxsig, meanfwhm, skylevel, skysigma,
obscura1, obscura2, nsrcs
The extra scalar tags provided for srd files are:
photzp, maglimit, satlimit
The vector tags provided for src files are:
xpos, ypos, fwhm, mag, err, snr
The additional vector tags provided for srd files are:
ra, dec, smag
See findsrc.pro for details on the src file information and see
srcast.pro for details on the srd file information.
If there is an error reading the file then sinfo will be returned
as a scalar zero.
Keyword Output Parameters
HDR - Optional return of the FITS header of the file in case there are
extra keywords not parsed by this routine.
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Modification History
2016/04/13, Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute
2016/08/18, MWB, added support for reading srg files (same format as src).