Read the output of the DOLPHOT photometry package into easier-to-
use data structures.
Calling Sequence
Result = READDOLPHOT(Filename, Nimg)
Filename: Name of DOLPHOT output file
Nimg: Number of images
Keyword Parameters
NHSTFILTERS: If this is set to a number greater than 0, the output
is assumed to have been generated using DOLPHOT/ACS
or DOLPHOT/WFC3, and to have NHSTFILTERS photometry
blocks at the beginning that give the combined results
of each filter. The output is also assumed to both
have instrumental and transformed magnitudes.
V2: If /V2 set, then read in DOLPHOT 2 output (slightly changed
from version 1)
This function outputs an array of structures, one for each star.
The structure has the following fields:
extension, chip, xpos, ypos, chi, sn, sharpness, roundness,
majoraxis, crowding, objtype, counts[N], background[N],
magnitude[N], magerr[N], imgchi[N], imgsn[N], imgsharpness[N],
imgroundness[N], imgcrowding[N], fwhm[N], ellipticity[N],
PSFa[N], PSFb[N], PSFc[N], errflag[N].
If NHSTFILTERS gt 0 then magnitude[N] is replaced by instmag[N]
and transfmag[N].
If /V2 is set, then fwhm[N], ellipticity[N], PSFa[N],
PSFb[N] and PSFc[N] are replaced with ctcorr[N] and dctcorr[N].
N is Nimg plus NHSTFILTERS. The HST filter information comes
Modification History
Written by: Jeremy Bailin
13 May 2010 Initial writing
18 June 2011 Updated to allow DOLPHOT2 output