Read the output of the DOLPHOT photometry package when run in
artificial star mode into easier-to-use data structures.
Calling Sequence
Result = READFAKEDOLPHOT(Filename, FakeStarList, Nimg)
Filename: Name of DOLPHOT output file
FakeStarList: Name of file containing list of fake stars
Nimg: Number of images
Keyword Parameters
NHSTFILTERS: If this is set to a number greater than 0, the output
is assumed to have been generated using DOLPHOT/ACS
or DOLPHOT/WFC3, and to have NHSTFILTERS photometry
blocks at the beginning that give the combined results
of each filter (unless Nimg is 1). The output is also
assumed to both have instrumental and transformed magnitudes.
I don't know what DOLPHOT does with artificial stars
when there are more than 2 filters, so I'm just going to
assume that there are never more than 2 filters.
This function outputs an array of structures, one for each star.
The structure has the following fields:
extension, chip, xpos, ypos, chi, sn, sharpness, roundness,
majoraxis, crowding, objtype, counts[N], background[N],
magnitude[N], magerr[N], imgchi[N], imgsn[N], imgsharpness[N],
imgroundness[N], imgcrowding[N], fwhm[N], ellipticity[N],
PSFa[N], PSFb[N], PSFc[N], errflag[N],
input_extension, input_chip, input_xpos, input_ypos, input_counts[N],
If NHSTFILTERS gt 0 then magnitude[N] is replaced by instmag[N]
and transfmag[N].
N is Nimg plus NHSTFILTERS. The HST filter information comes
Modification History
Written by: Jeremy Bailin
13 May 2010 Initial writing
13 Jan 2011 Bug fixes for NHSTFILTERS ne 0