F.Bringezu, denet - Internetservice, Halle Germany,
Provide a widget interface for creating a parinfo structure.
This parinfo structure can by used by mpfit routines of Craig B. Markwardt.
Major Topics
Widget, mpfit.
Calling Sequence
parinfo=SetFitParm(used_parinfo) Description
SetFitParm creates PARINFO using a widget interface.
PARINFO provides constraints for paramters used by the mpfit routines.
PARINFO is an array of structures, one for each parameter.
A detailed description can be found in the documentation of
This routine creates an array that contains a structure for each element.
The structure has the following entries.
- VALUE (DOUBLE): The starting parameter
- FIXED (BOOLEAN): 1 fix the parameter, 0 don't fix it at the
point given in VALUE.
- LIMITS (DBLARRAY(2)): Set upper and lower limit.
- LIMITED (BOOLEAN ARRAY 2): Fix the limit.
The parameter OLDPARINFO is optional. OLDPARINFO is used to set
the default values in the widget.
You can simply run:
test=SetFitParm() to create the array for the first time.
Once the array is created it can be used to set the default values
in the widget by calling
test2=SetFitParm(test) Inputs
Optional Inputs
OLDFITPARM - The default values of the new array
Input Keyword Parameters
PARENT - if this widget is to be a child, set this keyword to the
parent widget ID.
Output Keyword Parameters
CANCEL - if the user selected the cancel button on the SETFITPARM
widget, then this keyword will be set upon exit.
PARINFO array of structures
See Also
Modification History
Written, FB, 12/1999
Documented, FB, Jan 2000
Generalized positioning code, CM 01 Feb 2000