Purpose (one Line Only)
Show image with source lists and astrometric references overlain.
CCD data processing
Calling Sequence
imname - String, file name of image to be read (FITS format assumed)
You can also provide the actual image to display.
Optional Input Parameters
srclist - String, name of FITS file containing the source list. (Optional)
reflist - String, name of raw file containing the reference list. (Optional)
Keyword Input Parameters
BINFAC - binning factor to use for display. Default is the smallest binning
needed so that the binned image fits on the display.
LOWSIG - low end of the image stretch range in units of sigma of the sky
background noise. The min will be this many sigma below sky.
The default is -3 sigma (you must provide a signed number).
HISIG - high end of the image stretch range in units of sigma of the sky
background noise. The max will be this many sigma above sky.
The default is 5 sigma.
NEGATIVE - Flag, if set will invert the display range (ie., a negative)
WINDOWNUM - direct graphics window number to use for display, default=7
OUTFILE - Name of file to save a screen shot of display image (PNG format).
FORCESTRETCH - Flag, if set will set the stretch to a specific DN range
as given by LOWVAL and HIVAL. In this case LOWVAL and
HIVAL are also input keywords.
SRCMAGLIM - faint magnitude limit of the source file to plot. Default=99
Note that this is using the instrumental magnitudes found
in the source file.
Keyword Output Parameters
These keywords are pure output if FORCESTRETCH is not set. If it
is set then these carry the stretch values and must be provided.
LOWVAL - scaling value for the lower boundery of the image stretch
HIVAL - scaling value for the upper boundery of the image stretch
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Modification History
Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory, 2007/11/06
2008/10/31, MWB, changed to use rdref
2009/06/23, MWB, added LOWSIG and HISIG keywords
2009/12/18, MWB, fixed bug, new keywords weren't connected to anything.
Also add option to input actual array to show.
2009/12/21, MWB, added FORCESTRETCH, LOWVAL, and HIVAL output keywords
2010/01/11, MWB, fixed a bug with the BINFAC default value. Also added
the SRCMAGLIM keyword.
2011/01/16, MWB, added UINT as valid image input type.
2012/09/28, MWB, added lowclip/hiclip to sky scaling call for display
2016/04/16, MWB, modified to use new routine
2016/11/22, MWB, allow byte input images