This procedure is a wrapper to skymap_smooth, which creates a
smoothed map of some function sampled at discrete points on the
sky. This function implements sigma clipping during
the smoothing. Inputs
map: A map structure, created by
x: x location (sky coordinate in degrees) of the data
y: y location (sky coordinates in degrees) of the data
val: Value of the quantity sampled at (x,y)
dval: 1-sigma error on val Keyword Parameters
fwhm: The fwhm of the smoothing kernel, in degrees. Defaults to
1/100th of the map size
truncate: The radius at which to truncate the smoothing kernel, in
degrees. Defaults to 2 fwhm.
emap: Set to a variable to hold the smoothed variance map
clip: Set to a sigma clipping threshhold (see below). Defaults to
included: Set to a variable to hold a 1/0 array, indicating which
(x,y) pairs were used in the sigma-clipped map.
status: Set to a variable to return the status code of the
procedure. A value of 0 indicates success. Status = 1
indicates that too many objects were excluded during sigma
clipping. Status = 2 indicates that the sigma clipping
procedure did not converge after several iterations.
verbose: Set to a nonzero value to print messages
On output, the map structure is populated with the sigma-clipped
map. Procedure
This program repeatedly calls skymap_smooth. After each call, data
points which deviate from the smooth map value at (x,y) by more
than CLIP sigma are labeled as outliers. The procedure repeats,
ignoring outliers, until it converges on a set of outliers.
Modification History
March 2010: Written by Chris Beaumont