Purpose (one Line Only)
Simple Spectra - detemine differential extinction
Calling Sequence
root - String, root of file name
numlist - String, list of spectrum numbers to load. For a full description
of the syntax allowed, see RANGEPAR.PRO. A quick example:
'10-15,20-25' would load numbers 10 through 15, inclusive
and 20 through 25, inclusive.
The file names constructed will be root.NNNN.spec and is expected to
be a FITS file with the first column being wavelength and the second
being the spectrum.
outfile - String, name of output extinction coefficient file. The
file is in FITS format and writes three columns, the first
is wavelength (same vector) as from original data. The
second column is extinction in magnitudes per airmass
relative to the reference wavelength. The extinction at
the reference wavelength is defined to be zero. A positive
value has a higher extinction than the reference and a
negative value indicates lower extinction than the reference
wavelength. The third column is the uncertainty on the
extinction. Note that NaN is used to flag wavelengths
that have no valid data.
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Input Parameters
REFWAVE - reference wavelength in same units as wavelength vector in
the spectrum file. Default is 0.85 nm.
Keyword Output Parameters
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Modification History
Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory, 2004/06/14